
What a Military Wife Should Know About Divorce in Virginia


While talking about divorce, it is entirely going to be a traumatic thing to go through. So, when it comes to being a military spouse or yourself working in the military services, the first step needs to be to understand the entire procedure of divorce. Though it is going to be a little different than the civilian divorce, certain information can be helpful to you.

There are JAG offices that can help you get as much information about military divorces, but they can help you only to a certain extent. JAG law is quite different from Virginia State law. You should consult with an experienced military divorce attorney to get more information on this law. If you are looking for Military Divorce Lawyers in Virginia, then you should meet the attorneys at The Law Offices of John W. Lee. P.C. They have around 70 years of combined experience and they offer highly competitive prices and payment plans.

What Are the Difference Between Military and Civilian Divorces?

As the military officers are always away from Virginia on their duty, according to the Federal government and VA courts, a military officer cannot be divorced without his/her knowledge. The soldiers and sailors civil relief act says that their divorce can be postponed while the member is on his duty and even after 60 days of it. Also, the service member can waive this postponement if required.

Will I Be Eligible to File for Divorce in Virginia?

For this, you or your spouse needs to be residing in VA for a minimum period of 6 months before your file for divorce.

What kind of notification requirement is needed while divorcing a service member?

In this case of uncontested divorce, all you would need is his signature with a waiver of acknowledgment. Or else the person needs to be present in a person with a copy of his divorce letter.

On What Grounds Will the Divorce Be Accepted?

Whether it is a military divorce or the civilians the legal grounds are going to be the same.

What about Alimony and Child Support?

As we know the military only provides a little amount to support their spouse or the kid which will be depending on their rank and grades. But as per the VA law, the amount to be paid will be much more than the military personnel can give. In such cases, proper filing needs to be done to get legal help in this situation.

Remember you need to find a good attorney to fight for your case, who is specifically experienced in military marriages and divorce.

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